During and just after the war Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban delivered two now-famous speeches to the United Nations, on June 6 and June 18. Referring to the latter, in which Eban spoke just after Soviet Foreign Minister Aleksei Kosygin, James Reston in the New York Times wrote:

Mr. Kosygin’s request that the United Nations should pretend that two and a half million Israelis were a menace to eighty million Arabs set the stage for the Israeli Foreign Minister, Abba Eban, who talked like a Cambridge Don and who came through like a tank commander. It is easy to understand after listening to this debate between Kosygin and Eban why the Russians are suspicious of free speech.

Audio recordings of the speeches are available below, apparently for the first time on the web.

Also available below are newsreels covering the war and its aftermath. Newsreels were played in move theaters before the main attraction or between double features. Thanks to the rise of news on television, newsreels died out in the 1960’s but some of the last ones covered the Six Day War, and those from Universal are available below.

Finally, at the bottom of the page are some of the documentaries that have been made about the war.

Abba Eban’s Security Council Speeches, June 1967

Audio of Abba Eban’s June 6 Speech

Here Eban addresses the UN just after the start of the war, when the outcome was still in doubt for many of his listeners.

AUDIO OF Abba Eban’s June 19 Speech

This eloquent and passionate speech by the Israeli Foreign Minister is often considered to be one of the best of the 20th century.

Universal Newsreels on the Six Day War

The War Starts

Universal Newsreel, June 6, 1967

Midpoint of the War

Universal Newsreel, June 9, 1967

Recap of the War

Universal Newsreel, June 13, 1967

Documentaries on the Six Day War

Follow Me: The Story of the Six Day War

Israeli government documentary on the Six Day War.

The Six Day War

A documentary focusing on the weapons and strategy of the war.